terms & conditions

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NR29 Guide

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Advertisement deadline and format
The copy deadline for all advertisements and editorial features is usually the 1oth of the month preceding delivery, every other month (December, February, April, June, August and October). It cannot be guaranteed that copy received after this date will be included in the NR29 guide, although every effort will be made to accommodate late requests. The format of the advertisement submitted can be pdf, tiff, eps or jpeg (for photos and images only) and must be of high resolution (at least 300dpi) to ensure a good quality of print. The client to ensure supplied advertisements meet the correct size as specified on the rate card.

All advertisements created by the NR29 guide will be proofed to the client prior to publication. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that any copy proofed and approved is accurate, legal and copyright free. The NR29 guide takes no responsibility for loss or damage resulting in an advert being incorrect, having been proofed and approved by the client. The NR29 guide cannot accept advertisements where the advertiser does not have permission to copy them, for example, Yellow Pages advertisements.

The NR29 guide reserves the right to refuse advertisements which may be defamatory or offensive, or which promote products that many be considered indecent or illegal. Advertisements can be revised for each issue, when the client commits to three issues. The client must ensure amendments to their advertisement reaches the NR29 guide by the 10th of the month preceding delivery. The NR29 guide will insert the previous advertisement supplied by the client unless a replacement is provided before the deadline.

The NR29 guide makes no guarantee that advertising will generate interest/response from the readers. For the best chance of success, the NR29 guide recommends that advertising is booked for three or more issues. It is proven that repetition develops familiarity and readers are more likely to recall the advertisement when they require the product/service promoted.

Advertisement copyright
The copyright of advertisements designed by the NR29 guide on the client’s behalf is owned solely by the NR29 guide.

The NR29 guide may provide proofs of the advertisement for approval by the client prior to publication, but this does not infer in any way ownership or permission of this proof for use by the client, and as such must not be stored, either digitally or physically, by the client once approval has been given, nor reproduced or redistributed to third parties without permission of the NR29 guide.

If the client wishes to use advertisements designed by the NR29 guide in other publications, the client will be required to ask permission of the NR29 guide, which should be given in writing, and a release fee may be charged. The NR29 guide reserves the right to charge a fee of not more than £100 where permission has not been obtained to use the advert in other publications and publication of that advert occurs.

Advertisement design fee for clients is currently free for those committing to three issues and the price is negotiated for clients requiring an advertisement for one issue only.  It is the client’s responsibility to ensure the accuracy of content of the advertisement designed by the NR29 guide.

Invoicing and payment
All invoices raised by the NR29 guide shall become due for payment fourteen days after the date of the invoice, unless consent is expressly given in writing to the client for an extension of this period, or terms of any account facility between the NR29 guide and the client expressly states.

Invoices which are overdue for a period in excess of twenty eight days from the invoice due date for any services will be subject to credit control procedures which may or may not include the filing of a County Court Order.

The NR29 guide reserves the right to charge the client for any external credit control services used in relation to recovery of the client’s outstanding debt and the NR29 guide also reserves the right to charge compound interest on any debts older than twenty eight days from the due date on the invoice. If the client commits to three issues, qualifying for 15% discount, and subsequently cancels one or more of the three advertisements, the discount on the whole booking will be lost. A new invoice will be raised for the increased rate to include an admin fee of £5.00.

Advertising space should be cancelled either in writing, by telephone or by email, by the copy deadline of the issue preceding publication.

Late cancellation may result in full payment being levied on the client.

Clients and their customers
The NR29 guide takes no part in the contract between the client and their customers. Readers of the publication are reminded that the NR29 guide accepts no liability for loss, damage or difficulties resulting from contracts between the client and their customers, nor from errors, omissions or claims made by clients.

Inclusion within the NR29 guide does not imply a recommendation.

Any issue resolution remains between the client and their customer, and the NR29 guide will accept no responsibility in establishing this resolution process.

The NR29 guide reserves the right to remove any advertisements for clients who are deemed to bring the publication into disrepute or which have been requested to be removed by the relevant legal or regulatory authorities without notice and without recourse. Refunds will not be made, and full payment may still be levied on the client for the period booked.

Data Protection
All details of clients are kept strictly confidential and will never be passed to a third-party (unless required to do so under legal or regulatory statute).

Contact details of clients will not be provided to third-parties without prior consent of the client.

Copyright Notice
The written and visual content of the NR29 guide publication and website are protected by copyright and are owned entirely by the NR29 guide.

You may not reproduce or redistribute any articles, adverts, content or design, either online or in print or digital media, either whole of part thereof, without first obtaining written permission from the Editor. Failure to obtain written permission from the Editor will result in legal action where full costs will be covered by any person(s) or business found using copyright material.

In addition, a full apology must be published in the publication or website accused of utilising material owned by the NR29 guide. The apology text must be approved in full by the Editor of the NR29 guide. Failure to comply will result in further legal action where full costs will be covered by any person(s) or business found using copyright material.

Changes to Terms and Conditions
The NR29 guide, at all times, reserves the right to change the Terms and Conditions set out herein this document without prior written notice to any of its clients and any subsequent changes will become applicable immediately. No claims will be entered into which may not have been applicable in previous revisions of this document which are subsequently made provision for. Any claims by any client will only be acceptable on grounds outside the current revision of this document. The NR29 guide will, at all times, where reasonably possible, make available for viewing its Terms and Conditions through its website.

The NR29 Guide is a community magazine that is distributed throughout the NR29 postcode area of Norfolk.

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