nr29guide women’s institute
your guide to local clubs in our region
Meet every 2nd Thursday of the month in St Edmund’s Church, Acle NR13 3BU at 7.30pm (except August – our annual Garden Party). We look forward to seeing all our members and welcoming new ladies for good company, talks, monthly lunch club and many more activities along with plenty of tea and cake. Contact Frances on 07780681865 or email fmobbs1957@aol.com.
Do you want to learn something new or just have fun, with a variety of speakers and activities, trips/outings throughout the year come and join us. We meet on the 2nd Monday of the month at the Caister Community Centre, NR30 5ER, doors open 7.15pm for 7.30pm start. We are a very friendly group of ladies always welcoming new members. Facebook: WI Caister-on-Sea or contact on 07739 700796.
Meets on 3rd Thursday of the month in Filby Village Hall at 2.00pm. A very friendly group of ladies who welcome new members. A good variety of speakers which appeal to all. Lots of activities/outings just waiting for you to enjoy. Contact Valerie on 01493 720014.
Join our welcoming and friendly village WI with interesting speakers, learning and sharing new skills for the past 100 years. We meet on 2nd Wednesday of the month at Bracecamp Village Hall. Contact Beryl on 01493 733754.
We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm in Ludham Church Room, Norwich Road. Potential new members can enjoy a free first visit and visitors are most welcome. Contact Anne Moffat on 01692 678281.
We meet at 7.30pm on the 2nd Monday of each month (except August) inside Rollesby Village Hall. We have guest speakers, sales table, raffles and refreshments. Additionally, we have parties and days out. Why not pop along to meet a friendly and welcoming group of ladies? Please note from January 2025 meetings will move to the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 2.00pm. No change in location. For further details please contact Presidents Pat France on 01493 290680 or Frances Roll 01493 748586.

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